Focus on your goals with



Why are we needed?

  • It is estimated that 40% of the people in UK are physically inactive a trend which has been on the raise for the past decades. Furthermore 60% of people in England are considered over weight, which leads to various health risks. Therefore by using dance and performing arts specifically African arts we are able to improve the health and wellbeing of participants in a fun way.
  • There is racial tensions and low integration of minorities especially immigrants and refugees from Africa in British society. Arts and culture contribute to building local identity and pride of place. Arts aids the development of both social capital, which builds connections among people within communities, and bridging capital, which creates links between different communities. Arts and culture can improve public safety and business climate; and they can animate community spaces and neighbourhood life. Arts and culture propel aspirations and pathways toward social mobility; and they contribute to communities’ physical and psycho-social well-being.
  • Preservation of culture. We create awareness for African arts, train and perform. This promotes and keeps the arts alive. Especially in 2nd , 3rd and 4th generation immigrants from Africa
  • Youth unemployment in England is estimated at 11%. Therefore we work with youth to improve their employability through advancing skills like teamwork, discipline, singing, playing instruments, stage management, performance and dance

Who benefits from our work and how they benefit

Young people and children.

  • Through dance they get to improve their health and wellbeing
  • Through dance and performance arts they improve their physical fitness
  • Through arts they are able to improve self-esteem, expression and confidence

Migrants and refugees

  • Through arts they improve their health wellbeing
  • Through arts they are able to reduce on the trauma that they may have experienced in the past
  • Through arts they improve their employability by improving confidence, self-expression, self-esteem and artistic skills
  • Retaining and expressing themselves from within their culture
  • Forster multicultural integration by engaging with other cultures through dance and music
  • They develop new skills around arts and performance


Disadvantaged people

  • They access culture and arts training which would have otherwise been inaccessible due to high costs
  • Through arts they improve their health wellbeing
  • Through arts they improve their employability by improving confidence, expression, self-esteem and artistic skills

NEET group

  • Through arts they improve their improve their employability through advancing skills like teamwork, discipline, singing, playing instruments, expression, artistic skills, stage management, performance, African crafts making and dance
  • They get exposed to a wide range of things that they never had access to specifically African arts.
  • Through dance and music youth can divert some of their anger and negative emotions or act as an outlet for emotions
  • Through arts and music these youth can improve their physical and mental wellbeing
  • Learning about history and culture
  • They gain skills that not only teach them about heritage but also aspirational growth development.


  • The Advancement of African cultural education for the wider community and particularly Africans from the diaspora.
  • Promotion and facilitation of African arts particularly creative arts through music, dance, drama, spoken word and art events, workshops and other formats to connect and reconnect communities.
  • To enhance the skills and confidence of young people especially those of African descent and roots in East Africa.
  • Maintenance of health and well-being both physically and mentally using African arts.